Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices is a whole school approach to promoting resilience and the building of positive relationships in the school community. At Saint Patrick’s School we focus on helping young people to become aware of  the impact of their behaviour on others through personal accountability and learning from a conflict situations. After an incident there is a focus on restoring relationships between students, helping young people become aware of the impact of their behaviour on others through personal accountability and being open to learning from conflict.


Examples of restorative questions that teachers and students will focus on are:


1. What happened?

2. How did it happen?

3. How did you act in this situation?

4. Who do you think was affected?

5. How were they affected?

6. How were you affected?

7. What needs to happen to make things right?

8. If you find yourself in the same situation again how could you behave differently?